

The key ideas in Hinduism show good ways to live. If Hindus can gather good , then moral action in this life can lead to a better in the next life.

The law of karma

Hindus refer to karma as a ‘law’. It is not a law in the criminal sense, like those made by government. Instead, it can be likened to the ‘law’ of gravity. Karma is the idea that actions have consequences. One thing leads to another, so what is done today makes a difference tomorrow.

Karma can also be used by Hindus as an explanation of the question ‘Why do I suffer?’ The answer could be, ‘as a result of a bad action in a past life’. Similarly, the answer to the question ‘Why am I happy and blessed?’ could be ‘because in a previous incarnation I collected good karma’.

Belief in the law of karma gives Hindus a reason to do good deeds now in order to be rewarded in the next life. The karma that is collected now, which will lead to consequences in the next life, is called kriyamana karma.