
Electrical and electronic components

Common standard electrical and electronic components and symbols are used in this course. These components can be used in circuits which perform functions, for example, switching a lamp on at night or switching a heater on when it becomes cold.

Common components


Electrical symbol for a cell - a vertical line parallel to a larger vertical line

Provides electrical energy to charges in a circuit.


Electrical symbol for a battery - two instances of a vertical line parallel to a larger vertical line joined by three horizontal dotted lines

Provides electrical energy to charges in a circuit.


Electrical symbol for a diode - an equilateral triangle pointing right touching a vertical line

Allows current to flow through it in one direction only.


Electrical symbol for a resistor - a rectangle

Used in circuits to set current.

Variable resistor

Electrical symbol for a variable resistor - a rectangle with an arrow through it

Used to vary the size of current in a circuit.


Electrical symbol for a fuse - a rectangle with a horizontal line through it

A fuse melts to break the circuit if the current is too large.

Some components are used to respond to some physical change in our surroundings, eg temperature rise (or fall), light level change. These devices are called Input devices.

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