
Nouns and articlesThe definite article 'the'

A noun is a naming word used for a person, thing, place or idea. In Spanish, all nouns are either masculine or feminine. The word for 'the' or 'a' changes depending on the gender of the noun and whether it is singular or plural.

Part of SpanishGrammar

The definite article 'the'

The word the is called the . In Spanish, the word for the changes depending on whether the it goes in front of is masculine, feminine, or .

In Spanish there are four definite articles:

masculine singularel
feminine singularla
masculine plurallos
feminine plurallas
masculine singular
feminine singular
masculine plural
feminine plural

For example:

el gato (the cat)

la casa (the house)

los alumnos (the pupils)

las manzanas (the apples)


What is the correct definite article for these nouns?

  1. ciudad
  2. libro
  3. clase
  4. deberes
  5. fiestas
  6. sol