

The design team are often brought together by the director of a production and will work closely together to help deliver the director’s artistic vision. Some of their work may be done in advance of , but they will often continue to work on a show until it opens.

Set designer

A set designer is responsible for designing the set, working closely with the director and the design team to create the world of the show. They may begin by providing the director with a , before moving on to the stage. Once the design is complete, the set is constructed and completed by various departments that specialise in materials such as metal, wood and paint.

Costume designer

A costume designer is responsible for designing the costume, hair and make-up for a production, working closely with the design team to ensure that the costumes match the style of the show. They will often create designs ahead of the production being cast and can then make changes once they have met the performers. The costume designer works closely with the costume department, who are responsible for making the outfits and wigs.

Costume designer Natalie Pryce draws costume sketches sat at a table
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Costume designer Natalie Pryce sketches ideas

Lighting designer

A lighting designer is responsible for designing the lighting within a production, working closely with the director and the design team to create lighting for atmosphere and mood on stage. The lighting designer will often have an initial idea about how the lighting will look for a show and will then make adjustments during the rehearsal process. Once their design work is complete, will and the lights.

Sound designer

A sound designer is responsible for designing the use of sound within a production, eg or music, working with the director to create and develop sound that enhances a production. They will also advise the director on whether the production requires microphones and other technical equipment.

Sound designer Duramaney Kamara plays the piano while creating a score for a theatre performance.
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Sound designer Duramaney Kamara composing

Puppet designer

A puppet designer is specifically responsible for designing puppets within a production. They must ensure that puppets match the set and costume design and general of the show. They must also ensure that the puppets work efficiently when operated.