
Views on creation

Conflict or harmony?

The Catholic Church is not in with scientific theories on creation.

The Catholic Church uses both the biblical account and the scientific theory of creation. The Church teaches that the Genesis account is to be interpreted alongside science. Science may be able to give the answer and explanation of how the world and universe was created.

In a statement to the Pontifical Academy of Science, Pope Francis warned that to take the Genesis account is dangerous.

When we read about Creation in Genesis, we run the risk of imagining God was a magician, with a magic wand able to do everything. But that is not so.
Pope Francis

Pope Francis' statement mirrors the one made by Pope John Paul II to the same academy in 1996. Pope John Paul II (chapter 3) refers back to the encyclical released by Pope Pius XII who confirmed that there is no opposition between evolution and the doctrine of the faith about man and his vocation... Indeed the message from Pope John Paul II goes on to consider the theory of evolution.

However, these statements are not to be considered in the absence of faith and theology. To consider creation and evolution without God is a . When contemplating creation, Pope John Paul II makes it clear that individuals should not simply consider one theory, but rather theories which combine both science and faith.

Catholic views on creation

  • Accept both the Bible and scientific theories
  • Believe that the Bible is to be interpreted alongside science
  • Believe the Bible contains the truth about God as the ultimate and only creator

Other Christian views on creation

  • Creationists take the Bible literally – they believe the Genesis account is factually how the world was created

Non-religious views on creation

  • Accept the Big-Bang Theory
  • Believe no need for a supernatural creator