
Elizabethan Religious Settlement - EdexcelChallenge to the Religious Settlement

Religion became a very divisive factor in people’s lives in England when Protestant ideas challenged the dominance of the Catholic Church of Rome. Elizabeth offered a ‘middle way’ compromise.

Part of HistoryElizabeth I

Challenge to the Religious Settlement

Many in England were not happy with Elizabeth’s Settlement. They had enjoyed religious freedom under Queen Mary, Elizabeth’s sister, and they were now being asked to change or deny their beliefs. Many couldn’t make this compromise and left to live in abroad. Others grudgingly accepted the new regime.

To strengthen her position, Elizabeth passed laws to minimise the Catholic threat:

ActWhat it was
1559 - Act of Uniformity Those who refused to attend Church of England services (recusants) were forced to pay a fine of a shilling a week for not attending church on Sundays or holy days.
1581 - Act to retain the Queen’s subjects in their due obedienceCatholics who were still refusing to attend services in the Protestant Church were forced to pay an even bigger fine of £20 per month, the equivalent of thousands of pounds in today’s money. In addition, anyone found to have persuaded someone to convert to Catholicism was guilty of treason and could be put to death.
Act1559 - Act of Uniformity
What it wasThose who refused to attend Church of England services (recusants) were forced to pay a fine of a shilling a week for not attending church on Sundays or holy days.
Act1581 - Act to retain the Queen’s subjects in their due obedience
What it wasCatholics who were still refusing to attend services in the Protestant Church were forced to pay an even bigger fine of £20 per month, the equivalent of thousands of pounds in today’s money. In addition, anyone found to have persuaded someone to convert to Catholicism was guilty of treason and could be put to death.

Fear of Catholic plots

Portrait of Mary Queen of Scots
Figure caption,
Mary, Queen of Scots

Despite these measures, a fear of Catholic plots was an on-going and serious threat. The rulers of the most powerful countries in Europe - Spain and France - were Catholic, and plots often had foreign backing. In 1570 the Pope issued a against Elizabeth and actively encouraged plots against her.

The main figurehead for such plotters was Mary, Queen of Scots. She had a claim to the English throne, and was seen as a potential replacement for Elizabeth.