
Many Christians believe that God gave humans so it is up to each person to decide for themselves whether to do good or evil. Only God can rectify the problem of humans often choosing to sin. To do this, he offered through the sacrifice of .

Original sin – Genesis 3

In the Bible, chapter 3 of the Book of Genesis tells the story of how sin first entered the world. were tempted by the in the . They ate an apple from the after God had warned them not to, and as a result they were from the garden.

Evil had now entered the world – this is known as the Fall. The sinfulness of Adam and Eve caused a separation from God that could have resulted in humanity’s eternal punishment.

For Christians, all humans are descendants of Adam and Eve. This means everybody is connected to this first act of disobedience against God, the first or . Therefore, every person has the ability, and even an urge, to disobey God. St Paul wrote: for all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Romans 3:23).


According to Christian belief, what separates people from God?