
Verdi: Requiem - AQAThe elements of music to consider

The Dies Irae was written by the Italian composer Giuseppe Verdi in 1874 and is a section from a much larger piece of religious music called Verdi’s Requiem. Dies Irae is Latin for Day of Wrath and it tells of a person coming before God to receive judgement at the end of their mortal life.

Part of MusicWestern classical tradition 1650 to 1910

The elements of music to consider


The points to remember include:

  • the overall tonality is A minor
  • some sections to major keys and ends in the relative major, C


Verdi wrote the Requiem with intense harmonic devices, such as:

  • throughout the entire work - perhaps the most dramatic example is the descending chromatic vocal lines over a tonic pedal in bars 5 to 8 on the words 'Dies Irae'
The dissonance between the vocal harmonies and the string section in bars 5 to 8.
Figure caption,
An excerpt from the opening sequence of Dies Irae and the conflicting harmony that creates a sound of dissonance
  • complex harmonies, including and added-note chords
  • a wide range in , which gives a heightened sense of drama and emotion

Dynamics and articulation

Verdi, like many composers in the , exploited extreme dynamic ranges to help convey drama in the music. These are some of the most dramatic moments in Dies Irae:

  • the final few bars close very softly and is marked pppp
  • the brass section play frequently with at a (ff) dynamic and are marked tutta forza, which means with force


The Requiem has the following order of sections:

  1. Requiem Aeternam - Eternal Rest
  2. Kyrie Eleison - Lord have Mercy
  3. Lacrimosa - Mourning
  4. Dies Irae - Day of Wrath
  5. Domine Jesu - Lord Jesus Christ
  6. Sanctus - Holy
  7. Benedictus - Blessed be the Lord
  8. Pie Jesu - Merciful Jesus
  9. Agnus Dei - Lamb of God
  10. Lux Aeterna - Eternal Light
  11. Libera Me - Deliver Me
  12. as a complete piece of work it is


The piece has been written for a very large choir and orchestra. These instruments include:

  • a solo vocal quartet (soprano, mezzo-soprano, tenor, bass)
  • mixed chorus
  • three flutes
  • piccolo
  • two oboes
  • two clarinets
  • four bassoons
  • four French horns
  • eight trumpets (four off stage)
  • three trombones
  • ophicleide
  • timpani
  • bass drum
  • strings