
Jekyll's laboratory and a confession

Jekyll's laboratory

Drawing of the body of Hyde in Jekyll's clothing. He lies twitching and near death
Figure caption,
The body of Hyde in Jekyll's clothing. He lies twitching near death.

One evening, Jekyll's servant comes to Utterson and asks him to go to Jekyll's house. Utterson goes and listens at the locked laboratory door where strange noises are heard. Poole tells Utterson that the laboratory has been locked for days. The person inside the laboratory keeps asking for chemicals and complains that the ones Poole has found aren't 'pure'.

Jekyll is found

Utterson and Poole break down the laboratory door. On the floor there is a small, deformed person wearing Jekyll's clothes, he is twitching and holding a vial. On the desk there is a copy of Jekyll's will with Hyde's name crossed out and Utterson's instead. There is also a confession written by Jekyll. Utterson takes the documents home to study.

A confession

Utterson reads Dr Lanyon's letter which tells Utterson the true nature of Jekyll's experiments and the true identity of Mr Hyde. Utterson reads Dr Jekyll's 'Statement of the Case' where Jekyll confesses his dark experiments and how Hyde became too controlling. Utterson is amazed and shocked by it all.