
The Five Ks

Sikhs who are members of the will try to observe the Five Ks. These Sikhs will have undergone the started by . The Five Ks remind Sikhs of how to behave and the belief is that they are a reminder that God is with them.

  • Kesh - uncut hair reminds Sikhs of the gifts from God and how they accept them.
  • Kangha - a wooden comb used to comb the hair reminds Sikhs of how God untangles their lives and helps them to keep things ordered.
  • Kara - a metal bracelet is a symbol of God’s never-ending love for Sikhs and a visual reminder of their actions.
  • Kachera - cotton undergarments are similar to the ones traditionally worn by Sikh warriors, also a symbol of purity.
  • Kirpan - a sword that is often worn under a Sikh's clothes, rather than outside them, serves as a reminder to help someone who is vulnerable and for Sikhs to defend their faith.

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