

Approaches to develop physical factors include plyometrics and pressure drills.


Plyometrics involve exerting the muscles through a combination of strength and speed.

Plyometric exercises help develop power. A circuit can be set up involving different plyometric stages where the performer has to work for a short period of time and then rest. This would then be repeated. Examples of the exercises could be bounding, jumping up to a platform or jumping down from a platform. Each exercise is designed for the performer to react quickly and strongly.

Pressure drills

Pressure drills involve adding specific pressures, such as a time to complete a drill or opposition.

Pressure drills will allow the performer to develop their skill level with a more challenging context, where different types of pressure will be applied.

This may be a simple “time pressure”, where the performer has to complete a drill in a certain time, or may be the pressure of hitting a ball into a particular target. The pressure would be designed to really challenge the performer in the skill that they are trying to improve. Again this would be completed with many repetitions, with rest periods between repeats.