
The response of the black people

By 1900 a former enslaved person, Booker T Washington, was fighting the cause of the black people. He opened the Tuskegee Institute in Alabama to provide education and training for black people, believing that they had to make economic progress before making political progress.

In Chicago and New York a new group of middle-class black Americans emerged due to improved jobs and education. The Harlem Renaissance in New York developed talented black Americans such as singers, musicians, artists and authors.

A different view was taken by two organisations that were trying to highlight the way in which black Americans were being unfairly treated:

  • The National Association for the Advancement of Coloured People (NAACP), established in 1909 by William du Bois. The NAACP focused on opposing racism and segregation through legal methods and holding non-violent activities, such as marches and protests.
  • The Universal Negro Improvement Association (UNIA), established in 1914 by Marcus Garvey. UNIA members were more militant. Garvey encouraged black people to establish their own businesses and to employ black people only. He also encouraged them to return to their homeland, Africa. Black is beautiful was his most famous slogan.

William du Bois and Marcus Garvey both tried to improve conditions for black people, but their methods were so different that they became sworn enemies.