
Balanced chemical equations

Word equations

A chemical reaction can be summarised using a :

sulfur + oxygen → sulfur dioxide

This shows that:

  • sulfur and oxygen are the
  • sulfur dioxide is the

Chemical equations

In a chemical equation, the names of substances are replaced by symbols and :

S + O2 → SO2

Conservation of atoms

are not created or destroyed in chemical reactions. This means the numbers of atoms of each in the reactants is the same as the numbers of atoms of each element in the products.

This law applies to ionic formulae too, even though there are large numbers of each type of present in an ionic compound.

The equation above (S + O2 → SO2) is correct:

Atoms in the reactantsAtoms in the products
1 × S1 × S
2 × O2 × O
Atoms in the reactants1 × S
Atoms in the products1 × S
Atoms in the reactants2 × O
Atoms in the products2 × O

This also means that the total of the reactants must equal the total mass of the products. This is known as the law of .