Speaking questions - job interview role-play - Foundation

Role-play – Job interview

Practise taking part in a job interview. Read the instructions and prepare what you will say.


You are being interviewed for a job in a French supermarket. Respond to the questions the interviewer asks and address them as vous. They will start the conversation.

The bullet points give an idea of what might be asked, so use these to prepare. Where there is an exclamation mark (!) a surprise question will be asked. Where there is a question mark (?), you will need to ask a question.

Vous avez un entretien avec le directeur/la directrice d’un supermarché en France.

  • votre nom.
  • !
  • quand vous êtes disponible.
  • votre expérience.
  • ? salaire.

Listen to this example role-play.


Interviewer - Bonjour, comment vous appelez-vous ?

Applicant - Je m’appelle Emily.

Interviewer - Pourquoi voulez-vous cet emploi ?

Applicant - Je voudrais un petit job ici car j’aime aider les clients.

Interviewer - Quand êtes-vous disponible ?

Applicant - Je suis disponible le weekend et le mercredi soir.

Interviewer - Bon. Avez-vous de l’expérience ?

Applicant - Oui, j’ai fait mon stage dans un supermarché l’année dernière.

Interviewer - ¶Ù’a³¦³¦´Ç°ù»å.

Applicant - Qu’est-ce que c’est le salaire, s’il vous plait ?

Interviewer - huit euros de l’ heure.


Interviewer - Hello, what’s your name?

Applicant - My name is Emily.

Interviewer - Why do you want this job?

Applicant - I would like a part-time job here because I like helping customers

Interviewer - When are you available?

Applicant - I’m available at the weekend and Wednesday evenings.

Interviewer - Good. Do you have any experience?

Applicant - Yes, I did my work experience in a supermarket last year.

Interviewer - OK.

Applicant - What is the salary, please?

Interviewer - eight euros an hour.