
Early ideas about atoms

Ideas about atoms have changed over time. Scientists developed new atomic as they gathered new experimental evidence.

John Dalton published his ideas about atoms in 1803. He thought that all matter was made of tiny particles called , which he imagined as tiny spheres that could not be divided.

Learn more on the history of the atom in this podcast.

Nearly 100 years later, J J Thomson carried out experiments and discovered the . This led him to suggest the of the atom. In this model, the atom is a ball of positive charge with negative electrons embedded in it - like currants in a Christmas pudding.

Image of a plum pudding model, with a large blue circle with a positive symbol behind six red smaller circles with negative symbols.
Figure caption,
The plum pudding model

In 1909 Ernest Rutherford designed an experiment to test the plum pudding model. In the experiment, positively charged were fired at thin gold foil. Most alpha particles went straight through the foil. But a few were scattered in different directions.

Alpha particles travel from the alpha source and bounce off gold atoms.
Figure caption,
The alpha particle scattering experiment

This evidence led Rutherford to suggest a new model for the atom, called the . In the nuclear model:

  • the mass of an atom is concentrated at its centre, the
  • the nucleus is positively charged