
How the Scottish Parliament works

Watch this video to find out what happens at the Scottish Parliament and what MSPs do.

What happens at the Scottish Parliament?

The Scottish Parliament works in a similar way to most other parliaments around the world. MSPs can hold debates and make new laws using their devolved powers.

The Scottish Parliament does not have a second chamber like the House of Lords. Instead, it has a powerful committee system which can propose as well as bills. In committees, small numbers of MSPs discuss in detail and work closely together.

For example:

  • the Scottish Parliament's Citizen Participation and Public Petitions Committee considers any issues raised by members of the public brought to the Scottish Parliament in the form of a , providing they meet certain
  • the Public Audit Committee looks at reports published by the Auditor General for Scotland to ensure that public money is spent efficiently and effectively by the Scottish Government and other public bodies, such as the NHS in Scotland

What are meetings of the Scottish Parliament for?

The Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament
Figure caption,
The Debating Chamber of the Scottish Parliament

The Debating Chamber is the focal point for the Scottish Parliament's business. This is where MSPs:

  • debate issues
  • vote on laws
  • question members of the Scottish Government

The procedures of the Scottish Parliament are overseen by the Presiding Officer. The Presiding Officer decides who will speak in a debate. They also ensure that:

  • the rules of the parliament are followed
  • MSPs conduct themselves appropriately
  • the business of parliament is carried out efficiently and fairly

All debates and other proceedings are shown live on television and online.

When does the Scottish Parliament meet?

MSPs meet in the Chamber on Tuesday and Wednesday afternoons and from 11.30am on Thursday. The Parliament only sits for 35 weeks a year. MSPs represent the people of their area by:

  • speaking in a debate or voting for or against a motion (proposal)
  • suggesting an amendment to a motion or introducing a new law (a bill)

On a Thursday, at noon, MSPs have the opportunity to question the First Minister during First Minister's Questions.

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