
Key points about future phrases in French

Bullet points represented by lightbulbs
  • The future tense in French can be expressed using the together with .

  • Time adverbs in English include ‘tomorrow’, ‘next week’ and ‘soon’.

  • The 'near future' in French is formed using the present tense of the verb aller (to go), followed by an .

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Using the present tense and time adverbs to express the future

The future tense in French can be expressed using the present tense with a future time adverb.

For example:

On va au cinéma cet après-midi. – We’re going to the cinema this afternoon.

Les vacances commencent demain. – The holidays begin tomorrow.

Je travaille ce soir. – I am working this evening.

Other time adverbs that can be used in this way include:

in the future
next year
next week
next weekend

Phrases to express the future - Mini quiz

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

Finir means ‘to finish’. What is the translation of this sentence in English?

Je finis mes devoirs plus tard.

Vendre means ‘to sell’. What is this sentence in English?

La famille vend la maison l’année prochaine.

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Using the near future tense

The near future tense is formed using the present tense of aller (to go) and an infinitive. It describes what is going to happen and is used very commonly in French.

Subject pronounPresent tense of allerInfinitive (example)English
I am going to watch
you are going to eat
he is going to do/make
she is going to have
one is going/we are going to live
we are going to go
you are going to see
they are going to win
they are going to arrive

Using the near future tense - Mini quiz

Translate the following phrases into French using the near future tense.

Icon representing a multiple-choice question with answers A, B and C

She is going to arrive.

You are going to have. (two options)

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Quiz - Future phrases

Practise what you've learned about future phrases in French with this quiz.

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Now you’ve learned about future phrases in French, why not explore regular verbs in the present tense?

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