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There are lots of different parks – play parks, adventure parks, Olympic parks, skateparks.

Perhaps you have a local park where you enjoy going on the swings or a country park where you can build a den.

Parks are big open spaces where we can play, relax and enjoy ourselves.

All over our planet, there are areas with special wildlife and landscapes that are called national parks.

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Let’s visit a national park

Join the Change Champs, Amelle and Daniel, as they travel to the Peak District to learn about different geographical features.

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Geographical features

A girl saying did you know?

Human and physical features are things that you can see all around you.

  • Physical features like seas, mountains and rivers are natural. They would be here even if there were no people around.

  • Human features like houses, roads and bridges are things that have been built by people.

Next time you go out, try to spot human and physical features around you.

Maybe you could draw a map of them too with a key to explain what your symbols mean.

A girl saying did you know?
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Different national parks

National parks are all different. Some contain mountains and others have forests or beaches.

They are unique habitats for wildlife and need to be protected so they stay beautiful forever.

Here are some pictures of some of the different national parks in the UK.

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 3, A mountain and a lake in Cwm Idwal, Snowdonia, North Wales, Snowdonia National Park
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Case study: The Cairngorms

The Cairngorms is a national park found in Scotland. It is the biggest national park in the United Kingdom and the furthest north.

It is located in the Scottish Highlands. The Cairngorms has the highest mountain range in Britain.

A map of Scotland showing the location of the Cairngorms

It is wild and remote. The temperatures can get very cold almost as cold as the Arctic!

There are large lakes called Lochs in Scotland.

There are many special habitats in the Cairngorms, such as pine forests, heather moorlands and wetlands.

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Wildlife in the Cairngorms

Here are some of the special animals that live in the Cairngorms:

Image gallerySkip image gallerySlide 1 of 4, A red squirrel sits on a branch, Red squirrel Red squirrels have orange-red fur. They have large bushy tails that are as long as their bodies. They eat nuts and seeds - their favourite nuts are pine nuts
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Activities in the Cairngorms National Park

Many people like to explore the Cairngorms. They can cycle, walk, canoe, visit historic castles and ski.

People climb the highest mountain, Ben Macdui, which is 1,309 metres high!

The Cairngorms is in also a Dark Sky Park, which means that it is one of the best places to see clear skies and lots of stars.

The view above the clouds at the peak of Ben Macdui
Image caption,
The view from Ben Macdui in the Cairngorms

People need to be careful when visiting national parks, as some of these activities can damage wildlife habitats.

For example, lots of people driving by car can causes congestion and pollution. Campers might leave litter in the spots where they wild camp. Or walking to the top of the mountains can erode (wear away) footpaths.

But if we take care to protect our national parks we can keep them places that both humans and animals can enjoy.

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Lesson complete!

Well done Regenerator, you've completed this lesson. Now let's see what you can remember.

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Guess the animal

These children have some clues for you. Can you work out which of the animal that live in the Cairngorms they are describing?


Guess the animal - Who am I?
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