Units of time

This list below shows the units we use to measure time.

It also shows the conversion from one unit to another.

\(60\) seconds = \(1\) minute

\(60\) minutes = \(1\) hour

\(24\) hours = \(1\) day

\(7\) days = \(1\) week

\(365\) days = \(1\) year (\(366\) days in a leap year)


a) How many minutes are there in \(6\) hours?

b) How many hours are there in a week?

c) How many weeks make up \(63\) days?

You must be careful when using fractions and decimals with units of time

For example, \(0.5\) hours equals \(30\) minutes, not \(50\) minutes.

This is because decimals show fractions of tenths, hundredths, thousandths and so on.

But minutes are measured in sixtieths of an hour.

Similarly, \(\frac{1}{4}\) hour = \(\frac{1}{4}\) of 60 = \(15\) minutes and \(\frac{1}{10}\) hour = \(\frac{1}{10}\) of 60 = \(6\) minutes.

12-hour and 24-hour clock

Time is measured using either the \(12\)-hour clock or the \(24\)-hour clock.

12-hour clock

The \(12\)-hour clock notation uses am and pm to indicate morning and afternoon.

  • \({am}\) is the time from \(12\) midnight to \(12\) noon
  • \({pm}\) is the time from midday and before midnight

(\(12.00am\) is midnight and \(12.00pm\) is midday, however, this is rarely used as it causes confusion.)

For example

  • \(6.23am\)

  • \(7.45pm\)

24-hour clock

The \(24\)-hour clock does not require the use of am or pm.

The time starts at 0000 and continues throughout the day up to 2359.

Afternoon is indicated by a number bigger than \(12\).

When converting from the 12-hour clock to the 24-hour clock remember: for any time after 12.59pm, add 12 to the hours.

For example

  • \(6.23pm\) becomes \((6.23 + 12) = \text{18:23}\)

  • \(7.45pm\) becomes \((7.45 + 12) = \text{19:45}\)

The \(24\)-hour clock always uses \(4\) digits, so for any time before \(\text{10:00}\) a zero is placed at the beginning.

For example:

  • \(\text{01:00}\) means \(1.00am\)
  • \(\text{13:00}\) means \(1.00pm\)
  • \(\text{04:00}\) means \(4.00am\)
  • \(\text{16:00}\) means \(4.00pm\)


Copy and complete the following table, then check your answers.


Time intervals


Amelia falls asleep at \(11.05\) pm and wakes up at \(7.15\) am. How long has she been asleep?


Ryan starts work at \(08.25\) and finishes at \(14.50\).

He is allowed two breaks of \(20\) minutes each.

How long has worked?

Reading timetables

Look at the train timetable from Bangor to Belfast:

Bangor to Belfast train timetable


a) Anna is meeting a friend at the Folk museum in Cultra. Which train should she get from Bangor West?

b) The 0831 train from Bangor is running 6 minutes late, at what time will it arrive in Holywood?

c) How long is the train journey from Helen’s Bay to Titanic Quarter?

d) Rory needs to be at the airport in Sydenham by 9.30am. It will take 15 minutes to walk from the station to the airport. Which train should he get from Bangor?

Days, months and years

Use this rhyme to help you remember how many days there are in each month:

\(30\) days has September,April, June and November.All the rest have \(31\),Except February alone,Which has \(28\) days clear,And \(29\) in each leap year.


If March \({28}^{th}\) is a Tuesday, what day is the April \({6}^{th}\) in the same year?

Leap years

There are \(365\) days in a year.

A leap year, with its extra day in February, has \(366\).

Leap years occur every four years, and are divisible by \(4\).

This remains true, except for every year that is divisible by \(100\), however it will still be a leap year if the year is divisible by \(400\).

For example:

1996 was a leap year because \(1996 \div 4 = 499\)

1934 was not a leap year because \(1934 \div 4 = 483.5\)

\(1700\) wasn’t a leap year, because although it is divisible by \(4\) \(({1700} \div {4} = {425})\), it is also divisible by \(100\) \(({1700} \div {100} = {17})\).

However it isn’t divisible by \(400\) \(({1700} \div {400} = {4.25})\).

\(2000\) was a leap year as it is divisible by \(4\), \(100\) and also by \(400\) \(({2000} \div {400} = {5})\).

Flying around the world: Working out time

A delay at the airport turns into a time difference challenge for one girl as she waits for her father. See how she works out the time difference between various countries.

Test section

Question 1

How many minutes are there in \(\text{3-and-a-half~hours}\)?

Question 2

How many days are there in \({108}~{hours}\)?

Question 3

How many days are there in \({8}~{weeks}\)?

Question 4

What is \({7.15pm}\) on the \({24}\)-hour clock?

Question 5

What is \(\text{17:03}\) on the \({12}\)-hour clock?

Question 6

Look at the train timetable from Bangor to Belfast.

Bangor timetable

How many trains stop at Seahill?

Question 7

Look at the bus timetable from Lisburn to Newcastle.


How long does it take to travel from Lisburn bus station to Annahilt, West Winds Terrace?

Question 8

Look at the train timetable from Belfast to Dublin.

Belfast to Dublin timetable

Louie needs to be in Dublin for \(2\)pm. What is the latest train he can get from Lanyon Place?

Question 9

Which of these three months doesn't have \({31}~{days}\)?

a) August

b) September

c) October

Question 10

Which of the following years, was a leap year?

a) \({2002}\)

b) \({2003}\)

c) \({2004}\)

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