
When you are at your child’s level, you can be sure you’re talking about what interests them the most.

Watch how the dad in this video gets down to his daughter's level to chat with her in her pushchair while on the go.

How getting down to your child's level helps them learn

It helps your child to:

  • See what you are doing or looking at
  • Hear your words and sentences more clearly
  • Show you what they are interested in
  • See clues to communicate and understand what is being said, as they watch lip movements, eyes, and facial expressions

When you’re out and about with your little one, try to get down to their eye level and spend time naming things you see together.

Look out for what they're interested in and name that thing to them. If they say something's name, repeat it back to them and add more words. For example, if they say 'dog', you could say 'it's a brown dog.'

In case you missed it