
Feel self-conscious about talking to baby? It's only natural when they are very young, but there are all sorts of ways you can help your baby to hear lots of talking and language from birth.

A great way to help your baby learn is to follow their lead and tell them about what interests them. Another easy idea is to talk through your plans for the day.

To see this in action, take a look at the video below.

The benefits of following your baby's lead when you chat

  • Even when they're really small and a long way off learning words' meanings, if you talk about the things they are focused on, they'll develop their listening skills and pay more attention
  • The more they pay attention to you, the quicker they'll become used to word sounds
  • It makes it easy for you to find things to talk about - just say what you see them doing!
  • The more you talk to them, the more they'll become used to the sound of your voice
  • Talking plenty to baby will strengthen your attachment to one another

How to talk to baby more

Following baby's focus

An easy way to boost the amount of words they hear is to look out for what they're focussing on or doing and narrate what they're up to - think of yourself like a football commentator, talking about all of their actions and naming the things they're looking at.

Get down to their level when you chat, and make plenty of eye contact to keep them engaged.

Repeat the names of things over and over and use whichever language you prefer, if you speak more than just one.

Use a 'baby talk' voice - high-pitched and sing-song tone - you might feel silly but it helps keep baby focussed and to pick out the word sounds more easily.

Talking all about your day with baby

Another thing you might try is telling baby all about your plans for the day - this is an easy win for finding things to talk about. They won't understand it, but it is a way of letting them get used to hearing you say words.

Find another activity

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