
The earlier you start speaking additional languages with your child, the easier they'll find it to learn them.

When children can learn some words in the languages they are comfortable speaking, it's a really good way to build a bond between your little one and members of your family.

Watch this family practising speaking words in Grandma's first language.

What are the benefits of speaking more than one language with toddlers?

  • The earlier they start hearing other languages, the more likely they are to understand them.
  • Children are born ready to learn any language.
  • Language helps you to connect with family and your cultural history.
  • Speaking with family members in their first language, will help build your child's confidence around communicating.
Grandma sat with her two grandkids.
Image caption,
Chatting in your family's other languages is a great way for your children to learn and also to build relationships with their relatives.

3 top tips for talking more than one language as a family

1. Make time to speak with relatives in their first language.

Hearing language is a really important part of learning language for young children. The more they hear you speak, the more they will pick up.

If your child replies to you and your relatives in English, this is normal. They are still understanding you and what you are saying. In time, they will link the words in the two languages.

2. Sing and tell stories in different languages

The rhyme and repetition of songs can help children remember words. Singing songs together creates a positive experience for your child and teaches them about their cultural heritage.

Some families find it useful to add signs or gestures that are the same across languages.

3. Read to your children in different languages.

Sharing stories together is a great way to introduce your child to new words. You can translate one of your existing story books, or make up your own story based on the pictures.

You can also tell stories from your own culture.

Use wordless books if you can't read in your home language or it's a language that doesn't have a written form.

Grandma sat with her two grandkids.
Image caption,
Chatting in your family's other languages is a great way for your children to learn and also to build relationships with their relatives.

Multilingualism around Tiny Happy People

If you can speak more than one language, there are so many benefits to raising a child with both. We've got loads more advice for raising multilingual babies and speaking multiple languages at home.

Have a look at these links below to find out more:

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