The Baby Club’s Nigel Clarke encourages parents and carers to explore potatoes with babies.

Nigel explains why playing with potatoes can be great fun and help boost your baby’s language development in the video below.

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Potato printing can be lots of messy fun. Talk to your baby while you play and say the word 'potato' as well as naming the shapes you make.

Fun and games with a potato

Potatoes are really interesting textures to babies, making them great for sensory play. They're all different too - some are 'smooth', some are 'rough', some are 'bumpy', some are 'round'.

These are all new words and ideas for your baby. So let them hold and feel the potatoes as you name each of these textures.

You could have a go at potato printing together:

  • Cut your potato in half
  • Carve an interesting shape into the cut side of the potato, it could be a star, a triangle… whatever you like!
  • Dollop some child friendly paint on a plate or piece of cardboard
  • Dip the cut edge into the paint and then let your baby use this to stamp your shape on to a piece of paper - as you do, make sure you name the shape 'you've made a star!' and offer plenty of encouragement
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Potato printing can be lots of messy fun. Talk to your baby while you play and say the word 'potato' as well as naming the shapes you make.

Sensory play and messy play activities from The Baby Club

As well as playing with potatoes, there are lots of ideas for sensory play from The Baby Club:

Check out our article on why sensory play is so great for babies.

In case you missed it