
Have a look out the window and see what you and your little one can spot through these binoculars. Watch the video below for the full instructions.

You can play a game of I spy, or just follow your little one's lead. How about going on a pretend safari adventure in your garden? There are endless things to play with this homemade toy.

The more you play, the more you can build up your child's vocabulary with describing words.

How to make cardboard tube binoculars

Preparation time

This craft will only take 5 minutes.

You will need:

  • 2 cardboard tubes
  • A stapler
  • Sticky tape
  • (Optional) Some string

1. Take your 2 cardboard tubes and staple them together at each end.

2. Tape the string to the outside of the binoculars to make a strap. If you're feeling creative, you could also try painting or decorating your binoculars.

3. It's time to look out the window and see what you can spot. Why not try some pretend play? Perhaps you could go on a safari adventure, or a secret spy mission.

Be extra careful when your little one is wearing the strap as string can present a choking hazard.

Keep and eye on your little one at all times during craft activities and playtime. Remember to keep small and sharp objects out of baby's reach.

Top Tip

If you have a younger baby, you can make a single tube telescope. This will be easier to handle for little hands and fingers.

Step 1: Staple two cardboard tubes together
Step 2: Tape each end of the string to the outside of the binoculars
Step 3: It's time to test them out. What can you see?

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