
When you are at your child’s level, it makes it easier for them to see the words you're saying and how they're formed.

Watch how the mum in this video gets down to her daughter's eye level at breakfast time.

How getting down to your child's level helps them learn

It helps your child to:

  • See what you are doing or looking at
  • Hear your words and sentences more clearly
  • Show you what they are interested in
  • See clues to communicate and understand what is being said, as they watch lip movements, eyes, and facial expressions

When you're at your child's level, you can more easily follow where they're looking and what they're paying attention to and talk to them about those things. This helps them to learn the words for those things more quickly.

Mealtimes can be great for this, get down to the level they're at in their highchair.

In case you missed it