
In short

Themes: Christianity; wisdom; knowledge; using what we have learnt; making good decisions.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, explores the theme of wisdom and includes a story from the New Testament of the Bible.

Resources: The ; an image to display ; an image to display as children enter asking the question

The video

The story is called The Wise and Foolish Builder and is a story from the New Testament of the Bible. It can be found in the Gospel of Matthew.

It is a parable that Jesus told. Christians believe that parables are stories with hidden meanings that teach a moral. There is a famous part of the Bible called 'The Sermon on the Mount', where Jesus teaches people. He tells a story comparing people who hear his words and put them into practice, and those who do not. The wise builder builds his house on the ‘rock’ in a place where the house will be on strong foundations, not on sand. When bad weather comes, the house on the rock does not fall.

This can help us to reflect on the value of wisdom and what can happen if we take time to listen to wise advice and consider the options before we make a decision.

Video questions

  1. What were the builders going to do? (Build houses)
  2. What decisions did they have to make? (Decide what it should look like / be made out of / where to build)
  3. Why was the first builder foolish? (The first builder didn’t think through where to build the house)
  4. What did the first builder want to do? (Build as quickly as possible - and on the sand)
  5. Why was the other builder wise? (This builder chose a strong place to build)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click to display image full size


Click to display image full size

Image: Sharing words of wisdom

Suggested framework

1. Entry
Play your chosen music and display the question:

2. Introduction
Ask the children what the question means. What are ‘words of wisdom’? Can the children share any examples - eg 'Never talk to strangers' / 'You can only try your best' / 'Treat others as you wish to be treated'. Explain that today the assembly will be thinking about wisdom and that in the story the children are about to watch they will find out about two people and the very different choices they made. It's a story that Jesus told. As they watch, ask the children to think about why Jesus told this story.

3. Play the video
The duration is 3' 20" and the final words are: 'We'll see you again soon Treasure Champs!'

4. After the video - Time to talk
Lead a shot discussion about the story by asking these questions:

  • Who took longer to build their house? Why?
  • Who would you say invested more in their house?
  • What might happen if you rush a decision?
  • I wonder what this story teaches people. What do you think?

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 鶹Լ collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
Close your eyes for a moment…
Think about a time when you have had to make a decision. Did you go for the quick answer? Or did you take time to think your answer through?
I wonder which you find easier to do.
Think about the story of wise and foolish builders.
Imagine yourself rushing to make a quick decision.
Now picture yourself planning, using your knowledge and taking time to think, next time you have to make a decision.
I wonder which feels better to you?
Next time you have to make a decision, remember to plan and take time so that you make a wise decision.

7. Opportunity for prayer
Begin with your usual form of address (‘Dear God’, ‘Let us pray’, etc) and:
Thank you for the story of 'The wise and foolish builders' that teaches us the value of wisdom.
When we have decisions to make, help us not to be pressured into rushing our answer.
Remind us of the importance of stopping, thinking and using our knowledge to help us make the best decision we can.
Thank you that you are God of the big and the small and all our decisions matter to you.
May we use the gifts we have been given wisely and for the benefit of all.

Suggested songs

Song: 'While we live we learn' (All about our school, no 3. Vocal version)

Song: 'We will grow' (All about our school, no 10)

Song: 'Praise Him' (Come and Praise, no 40. Vocal version)