
In short

Themes: Judaism; Christianity; self-respect; self-belief; confidence; identity; positive thinking.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, focuses on a story from the Jewish and Christian traditions called David the Singing Shepherd Boy (traditionally known as Samuel anointing David). It focuses on the value of self-respect.

Resources: The ; an image to display ; an image to display of the words

The video

The story of David the Singing Shepherd Boy is found in the Hebrew Bible. Jewish people read the story in the Tanakh (in the 𱹾’i, which tells the stories of the prophets) and Christians read it in the Book of Samuel in the Old Testament.

Jewish and Christian people believe that God instructed Samuel to choose David as the next king, because of what David was like on the inside. Christians and Jews believe that God does not judge what is on the outside, only a person's character, and when Samuel meets David God says 'This is the one I have chosen to be king!'

This story can help us to reflect on the value of self-respect and why we shouldn’t try to change who we are if those around us are different to us or have different skills.

Duration: 3' 55"

Final words: 'See you again soon. Bye! / Bye!'

Video questions

  1. What was David’s job? (Shepherd)
  2. What did David feel about this job? Why? (He liked being a shepherd - he had a talent for it)
  3. What else was David good at? (Writing songs and poetry)
  4. Who was Samuel? Why did he visit? (He had been sent by God to find the next king)
  5. Why did Samuel ask Jesse if he had any more children? (Because God had said 'no' to all the other sons)
  6. What did God say to Samuel when David arrived? ('This is the one I have chosen to be king!')

Key links

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Assembly framework (pdf)

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Image: Be proud of yourself

Suggested framework

1. Entry
As the children gather display the image of the words

2. Introduction
Ask the children to think of something they are really proud of about themselves. Maybe it is something that other people do not know. Invite children to share what it is that they are really proud of and why it makes them feel proud.
Explain that today the assembly is going to think about the meaning of 'self-respect'. Explain that if we have self-respect we look after our bodies and our minds and we are confident about who we are and what we can do. We had self-respect and showed self-belief when we shared things we were proud of about ourselves.Ask children to look for the value of self-respect in the story as they watch the video. What happens when the shepherd boy believes in himself?

3. Play the video
The duration is 3’ 55” and the final words are: ‘See you again soon. Bye!’ 'Bye!'

4. After the video - Time to talk
Lead a discussion about 'self-respect' in the story by asking all or some of the following:

  • How might David have felt being the youngest of the brothers?
  • Jesse, David’s dad, was proud of all his sons that were soldiers. How might that have made David feel?
  • Why did David work hard at being a shepherd?
  • What did Samuel know about one of Jesse’s sons?
  • What did God tell Samuel he needed to think about when looking for a new king? What was important? Why?
  • Why was it a surprise that David was chosen to be king?

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 鶹Լ collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
Close your eyes for a moment…
And listen to the words that we heard in the story that 'God does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart…'
Think about the story of Samuel choosing David to be the new king. Say quietly to yourself:
'I am proud of myself.
I am proud of all that I am.
I am proud of all that I can do.
I am proud that I am trying.
I am proud that I am making progress.'
If you ever feel down remember that it is your heart and what is inside you that is important and nobody knows that better than you! That might just remind you to believe in yourself.

7. Opportunity for prayer
Begin with your usual form of address (‘Dear God’, ‘Let us pray’, etc) and:
Thank you for the story of 'Samuel anointing David' teaching us the value of self-respect.
Thank you that we are wonderfully made and that you love us for who we are on the inside.
Help us to look for what is inside other people…and to show your love to others in all we think and say and do.

Suggested songs

Song: 'Chain of love' (All about our school, no 14. Vocal version)

Song: 'Praise Him' (Come and Praise, no 40. Vocal version)

The Lord's my shepherd - Come and Praise, no 56