
In short...

Themes: Christianity; the parables of Jesus; empathy; understanding; Empathy Day.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, focuses on a story from the New Testament part of the Bible called ‘The Good Samaritan’. A 'Samaritan' is someone from the ancient biblical region of Samaria. The assembly could be used to mark Empathy Day, which in 2024 falls on 6 June.

Resources: The ; an image to display ; have some photos to display of faces showing different emotions, or alternatively use the provided.

The video

‘The Good Samaritan’ is found in the Bible in the Gospel of Luke (Chapter 10) and is a parable that Jesus told. Parables are stories with ‘hidden’ meanings that teach a moral.

The story teaches people to put aside differences, to recognise the needs of others, consider what it might feel like to be in someone else’s situation and to respond to the needs of others in a helpful way.

This story can help us to reflect on the value of empathy and what can happen if we put ourselves in someone else’s shoes and consider what it might feel like to be in someone else’s situation. If we try to understand how someone is feeling, we might be more likely to help them in an appropriate way.

Video questions

  1. Why was the journey that the man was going on dangerous? (It was long and there were robbers and bandits)
  2. Who did the injured man see approaching first? (A religious man from the temple)
  3. What did the religious man do? (He crossed over and carried on walking)
  4. Who came along next? (The Samaritan)
  5. What did the Samaritan do and why? (The Samaritan washed and bandaged the traveller - he had empathy for him)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click for the full size image.


Click to display image full size

Image: six common emojis

Suggested framework

1. Entry
Play your chosen music and display the images of faces showing different emotions, or .

2. Introduction
Ask the children to consider what emotion the pictures might be showing and when the children might have felt the same emotion. Ask them to consider if anyone helped or joined in when they felt this way - eg if it is a crying face, did anyone ask what was wrong; if it is a happy face, did anyone join in with your joy? How does it make you feel if others try to understand how you are feeling?
Explain that today the assembly is about empathy - the ability to understand and respond to how others are feeling. Ask children if they can think of a time when someone showed empathy towards them, and how it made them feeling knowing that someone else understood how they were feeling?
Explain that the video tells a famous story about three travellers and how they respond to meeting a fellow traveller who is injured.

3. The video
Play the video. The duration is 3’ 26” and the final words are: ‘We’ll see you again soon! Bye! / Bye!’

4. After the video - time to talk
You could ask some or all of the video questions above to consolidate pupils’ recall and understanding of the story. Then lead a discussion focusing on empathy by asking the following:

  • How do you think the traveller felt after he was injured and left all alone?
  • How do you think the traveller’s feelings might have changed when he saw the priest approaching? Why might the traveller expect the priest to stop and help?
  • How might the traveller have felt when he saw the rich and important man approaching? Why might the traveller have expected this man to stop and help?
  • Why might these first two people have walked by on the other side of the path?
  • Why did the traveller begin to give up hope?
  • Why was the (Jewish) traveller surprised when the Samaritan stopped to help? How might you describe what the Samaritan did?

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 鶹Լ collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
Let us take a moment to reflect on what we have learnt from the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’…
In the story we heard about someone who was in desperate need of help…
Think what it feels like to be in need of help…
Think what it feels like when someone puts things right by offering the help you need…
Close your eyes…and imagine the face of someone who needs help, and how their face changes when you offer the help they need…
Remember how that makes you feel the next time you hear, see or think someone needs your help…

7. Opportunity for prayer
Use your normal form of address (‘Dear God’, ‘Dear Lord’, ‘Let us pray’, etc) and:
Thank you for the story of ‘The Good Samaritan’ teaching us the value of empathy.
Help us to show empathy to others and to always be ready to help.
May we never be too busy to hear, see or respond to the needs of those around us.

Suggested songs

Song: 'Being a friend' (All about our school, no 8. Vocal version)

'Our school' - All about our school, no 9 (© Kate Walker / 鶹Լ)

'Together' (All about our school, no 13).

Related links

See also this assembly from 鶹Լ Teach which is based on the story.