
In short

Themes: Christianity; Judaism; Islam; hospitality; kindness; visitors.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, focuses on a story found in the Qur’an, Torah and Bible - the story of Abraham and the Three Visitors, which is used to explore the value of 'hospitality'.

Resources: The and an image to display . You will also need a few images and/or objects to show the idea of 'hospitality' - eg have a small table at the front of the space with some drinks and some cakes.

The video

This story is found in the Qur’an, the Torah and the Bible. It is about Abraham, also known as Ibrahim in the Qur’an.

In the story, Abraham sees three people near his tent at the hottest part of the day. He approaches them to offer hospitality - to offer them water to wash their feet, a place to rest and some food. After they have accepted the offer of hospitality, one of the visitors says to Abraham that his wife will have a son by the same time next year. For Abraham and his wife, Sarah, this is an incredible promise, because they are old and have not been able to have children.

Duration: 3' 19"

Last words: 'We'll see you again soon! Bye!'

Video questions

  1. How many visitors does Abraham see at the beginning of the story? (Three)
  2. Do Abraham and Sarah know the visitors? (No)
  3. Why don't they know the visitors? (Abraham and Sarah live in a very remote location)
  4. What food do Sarah and Abraham make for the visitors in our story? (They make sandwiches)
  5. What does Abraham offer to wash? (He offers to wash the visitors' sore feet)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click for the full size image.


Suggested framework

1. Entry
Play your chosen music as the children enter and display the objects that show 'hospitality'.

2. Introduction
Ask the children what the objects or images make them think of. They might talk about a party or celebration, or hosting a special guest.
Ask the children if they could invite anybody in the world to their house for tea, who would they invite. Explain they can choose anyone in history or alive now. Gather some ideas from the children. Give an example yourself.
Explain that the story today tells us about somebody who shows hospitality in their home and that today we are thinking about the value of hospitality.

3. Play the video
The duration is 3’ 19” and the final words are: ‘We'll see you again soon. Bye!'

4. After the video - Time to talk
You could begin by asking the Video questions to aid pupils' recall of the events of the story. Then lead a discussion about 'hospitality' by asking:

  • What does 'hospitality' mean? What does it mean to be 'hospitable'? (Children might suggest that hospitality is giving a visitor food and a place to stay. The children might also talk about being friendly, kind and welcoming towards people.)
  • How did Abraham show hospitality to the visitors? (The children might recall washing feet, giving food and a place to rest from the video.)
  • Do you think hospitality is an important value? Why?
  • How do your family or people you know show hospitality? (There might be local examples that you could draw on or community organisations who are welcoming.)
  • What effect does hospitality have on those who receive it? (Offering hospitality shows that we value the person that we approach with welcome and friendliness. Abraham and Sarah did not know their visitors, but they were hospitable anyway and this ended with them finding out a special message that they would have a child.)

Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 鶹Լ collections below.

6. Opportunity for reflection
*Now let's think for a while about what we've heard today…
Think quietly to yourself about people you know who are good at being welcoming… at offering a listening ear… at sharing with others… at helping…
Think about times when you - or perhaps your family - have offered hospitality to others…
What about our school community…
What ways can we show hospitality to the people who visit our school, so they know they are an important part of our community…?
Think of just one way that we could be more welcoming this week… *

7. Opportunity for prayer
Begin with your usual form of address (‘Dear God’, 'Dear Lord', ‘Let us pray’, etc) and:
Thank you for all the people who offer hospitality in our community…
For organisations and charities that welcome people who might not otherwise feel welcome…
Help us all to find ways to be friendly and welcoming too.

Suggested songs

Song: 'Being a friend' (All about our school, no 8. Vocal version)

'Friends' (© 鶹Լ 2021)

'Together' (All about our school, no 13).