Ben Faulks with a programme about the festival of Diwali; light and dark; Bonfire Night as another ‘special day’.

Before the programme

  • Look at the picture. What can children see? What festival(s) might be being celebrated?

  • Have you ever celebrated Diwali?

  • Have you ever been to a bonfire party or firework display? What did you enjoy most? Was there anything you didn’t enjoy?

  • Do you know the names of any of the fire- works and why they might be called that?

  • Why do we have fireworks on 5 November?

  • Why do we have rules in life? Are there any rules you know that are there to keep people safe?

Click to display the image full size

Focus image: Diya lamps, popular at Diwali

Programme content:

  1. Welcome and introduction: Ben introduces the programme and welcomes the children.
  2. Voxpops: Children tell us about Diwali and how it is celebrated.
  3. Song: ‘There’s a light’ (Come and Praise Beginning, no 49). Encourage the children to join in with as much as they can.
  4. Story: Adeep and Rory’s Diwali and Bonfire Night. An original story by Jeff Capel. Adeep and Rory argue over which is better - Diwali or Bonfire Night. Luckily their mums step in and they’re invited to each other’s celebrations. They resolve to always spend Diwali and Bonfire Night with each other in the future.
  5. Reflection: On the symbolism of light; on arguing with a friend, seeing the other’s point of view, and resolving conflict.
  6. Opportunity for prayer: Thanking God for festivals like Diwali, being hopeful and seeing each other’s point of view. The children can make the prayer their own by joining in with ‘Amen’ at the end.

After the programme:

Talk about the story

  • Why do you think Adeep and Rory argued?
  • Do you think either of them was happy when they stopped speaking to each other?
  • How do you feel if you fall out with a friend?
  • How did their mums’ actions make them see each other’s point of view?

Follow-up activities:

  • Find out about other festivals that are about light and why light is a symbol for hope, goodness, peace, etc.
  • Find out about other Hindu and Sikh festivals and how they’re celebrated - eg Holi, Navaratri, Vaisakhi.
  • Make up firework dances in PE - who can move like a rocket… a Catherine Wheel… a sparkler? Set the dance to music - the ‘Music for the Royal Fireworks’ by Handel would work well!
  • Find out about how fireworks are used during the other festivals mentioned within the programme.
  • Design a Diwali or Bonfire Night menu with things that you would like to eat to keep warm, or that might have a Firework theme: eg making ‘Catherine Wheels’ by rolling filled sandwiches thinly then rolling them up and cutting into rounds to make small wheel shapes.

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