
Programme content:

Song: ‘You’ve got to move’ (Come and Praise, no 107)
Story: The Legend of Huan Jing by Rob John
Reflection: Children reflect on whether their lives are in balance and if not, what they could do to bring more balance to their own lives or the lives of their friends.

Pre-programme questions:

  • What do you think ‘Yin and Yang’ mean?
  • If I say ‘you live a well balanced life’ what do you think I mean?
  • Why is it good to have things ‘in balance’?
  • Do you think your life is in balance?

Story synopsis:

Huan Jing has everything a man could hope for except peace of mind. He is plagued by the memory of a monster that might take everything from him in the blink of an eye. So he goes in search of help and learns from a wise man by the name of Fei Changfang that he needs more than just strength to defeat the monster. He learns wisdom and together with his strength defeats the creature.

After the story:

  • Why wasn’t Huan Jing happy at the beginning of the story?
  • What was the name of the old man who helped him?
  • What three things did he need to defeat the monster?
  • Why didn’t using just the sword work?
  • On what date and how do people remember Huan Jing?

Follow-up activities:

  • In groups of 3/4 ask children to discuss and then draw up an illustrated mindmap of all the things that lead to a well balanced life? (They could propose the time that should be spent on each thing in a week / day if you’d like more detail.)
  • Working in the same groups ask the children to do a study of ‘Yin foods’ and ‘Yang foods’ and to propose a good diet (including cooking styles) for a weekend. Ask them to put together a presentation and to present each one to the class.
  • Working alone ask each child to think about one thing that they need to do a little less of in their life in order to bring more ‘balance’.
  • Ask them to illustrate it in one half of the Yin and Yang circle. In the other half let them illustrate something that they could do a little bit more of to bring balance.

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Focus image: Yin Yang symbol

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