
In short

Themes: Obeying rules; trust; obedience; decisions.

Summary: This assembly, which is suitable for an act of collective worship, focuses on a story from the Jewish, Christian and Muslim traditions. It tells the story of Jonah, who refuses God’s command to go to the city of Nineveh. It can be found in the Tanach (Scripture Trei Asar), the Old Testament section of the Bible (Book of Jonah) and in the Qur’an (Surah 10).

Resources: ; an image to display of ; examples of different rules either written on the board or projected.

The video

The people of Nineveh refused to follow God’s rules. Jonah was a messenger of God and was instructed to go to Ninevah and tell the people that God wanted them to be obedient. Jonah set off to do God's bidding, but then changed his mind: he boarded a ship and sailed in the opposite direction. There was a mighty storm and Jonah explained to the sailors that this was probably his fault and that they should throw him overboard, which they did. The storm settled, but Jonah was swallowed by a giant fish, which had been sent by God to help him. Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days, and had plenty of opportunity to consider his actions, before being taken to the shore. Jonah obediently continued to Nineveh to pass on God’s message. The people listened and were obedient. This can help us to reflect on the value of obedience.

Duration: 3' 58"

Final words: 'See you again soon! Bye!'

Video questions

  1. Where did God tell Jonah to go? (Nineveh)
  2. Why did God want Jonah to go to the city? (People were disobedient and naughty and didn't follow God's rules)
  3. Why did Jonah ask the sailors to throw him in the sea? (He thought the storm was his fault as he had been disobedient and he thought the storm would stop if they threw him in the sea)
  4. What happened after the sailors threw him in the sea? (The storm stopped and a giant fish swallowed Jonah)
  5. How long did Jonah stay inside the fish? (Three days)

Key links

Download / print the assembly framework ready for use

Assembly framework (pdf)

Click for the full size image.


Suggested framework

1. Entry
Play your chosen music (you might use the instrumental version of ‘Keep the golden rules’) and display a focus image if you wish and / or have a selection of rules on the board or displayed (school rules / commandments / laws / etc).

2. Introduction
Ask the children to try to work out what links all of the statements. Explain that they are all types of rules. Tell the assembly that the short video they are going to watch is about somebody who doesn’t want to follow what is asked of him and chooses not to be obedient. Explain that it is a very old story.

3. Play the video.
The duration is 3’ 58” and the final words are: ‘See you again soon! Bye!’

4. After the video - Time to talk
Ask some or all of the video questions to help children recall the events of the story and to consolidate their understanding of it.Then lead a discussion about obedience as follows:

  • What does obedience mean? (Following the rules; doing things the right way; doing what your parents say at home).
  • What rules can you think of and what is their reason?
  • Are rules important? Why / why not? Should people follow rules?
  • What should happen to people if they don’t follow rules?
  • How does obeying rules make us safer at school?
  • Jonah had a second chance to be obedient to God. Can you think of a time when you’ve had a second chance?

5. Opportunity to sing
Suggestions from 鶹Լ collections below.

6. Opportunity to reflect
Be still now as we think about some of the things we’ve thought about today…
We’ve heard how Jonah had a second chance to be obedient to God. Think about a time when you needed a second chance…
Perhaps you didn’t tidy your room, fell out with a friend or forgot about your homework…
We can all make mistakes, which is why second chances are so important…
But it’s even better if we can do what is right the first time round…
Think quietly to yourself about the value of rules and the value of obedience…

7. Opportunity for prayer
Dear God,
Thank you for the story of Jonah to teach us about obedience.
Help us to make the right decisions today and to follow the rules.
When we make a mistake, help us to say sorry to those we may have hurt and to take that second chance, just like Jonah did.

Suggested songs

Song: 'Keep the golden rules' (All about our school, no 5. Vocal version)

'Keep the golden rules': Instrumental - All about our school, no 5 (© Paul Field / 鶹Լ)

'Our school' - All about our school, no 9 (© Kate Walker / 鶹Լ)