
Video summary

Andrew Marr explores the Chinese Cultural Revolution and the fall and rise of Deng Xiaoping.

He looks at the changing fortunes of Deng within China’s ruling Communist Party, his relationship with Chairman Mao Zedong, and the role his economic reforms played in the emergence of China as a superpower.

This is from the series: Andrew Marr's History of the World.

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Teacher Notes

Create a timeline which charts the rise, fall and rise again of Deng Xiaoping.

Label significant events in his life and rate them on a score of 1-10.

Show events from Deng Xiaoping's life, from his early days as a militant member of the Communist party, through the Cultural Revolution and his political comeback after the death of Chairman Mao.

As a plenary, students could be asked to consider whose legacy is greater, Mao or Deng Xiaoping?

This clip will be relevant for teaching History at KS3 and KS4/GCSE in England, Northern Ireland and National 4, National 5 and Higher in Scotland.

This topic appears in OCR, AQA in England and CCEA GCSE in Northern Ireland and SQA Scotland.

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