
Video summary

Brothers Buster and Dexter welcome us onto their family farm and show us how everyone has roles and responsibilities.

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Teacher Notes

Brothers Buster and Dexter welcome us onto their farm to see their busy home life. They show us how everyone in the family has a job to do, no matter how small, and how these responsibilities change as they get older.

The Notes below are taken from the complete document.

Learning objective

To show that everyone in a family has jobs they can do and how our responsibilities change as we get older.

Key questions

Before the video:

  • What are the different jobs that people in a family do in their homes?
  • Do people in a family have different jobs?
  • Why do people have different jobs?
  • Are there jobs that some people in a family can’t do? Why?
  • What does ‘responsibility’ mean?

During / after the video:

  • What kind of jobs do Buster and his family do? / What responsibilities do they have?
  • Why is it important that they all help out?
  • Why can’t Buster do the same jobs as his brother and sister?
  • When will he be able to do those jobs?
  • How can he help out?

After the video:

  • Which jobs do you have in your house?
  • What jobs can you do now that you couldn't do when you were smaller?
  • Which jobs are you looking forward to doing when you get older?
  • Why is it important for everyone to help out in a family?
  • What responsibilities do you have at school?
  • What responsibilities do the adults at school have?
  • What other kinds of responsibilities do people have?

Suggested activities

  • Create a display showing all different jobs that the children have to do at home and / or in school. (Be aware of any vulnerable children - eg young carers - and focus on jobs at school if necessary).
  • Ask children to draw a picture of themselves when they were younger, themselves now, and themselves in the future. Next to / underneath / around each image, ask them to write the responsibilities they had / have / are looking forward to having.
  • Ask children to identify some jobs they could help with at home that they don’t do already (eg laying the table, cooking dinner, hanging out washing). Ask them who it would help and how that person would feel if the child helped them. Challenge them to do a different job to help out each day for a week.
  • Children identify a job that one member of their family does, and draws or makes a model / puppet of that person as a superhero doing the job / Design a superhero cape for that person.
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