
In this episode Rian and Maya take to the water, learning about different types of ships and boats.

Video summary

Maya and Rian look out from their boat at all the other different types of boat they can see in the harbour.

They discuss how different boats move - for example using sails, a paddle, or a motor.

We see a map displaying their route from England, south around Europe to Africa.

Maya tells Rian about Viking ships, as well as other civilisations and people that have used boats in the past.

Maya tells the story of Jeanne Baret, a botanist who disguised herself as a man so that she could join an expedition on a French naval ship.

Without realising it Jeanne became the first woman to circumnavigate the world.

Questions to ask:

  • What different types of boats can you see in the video?
  • What does ‘hover’ mean? Why is a hovercraft called that?
  • Can you name any of the people in the past who used boats to travel?
  • Why did scientists and explorers travel the world? What were they looking for?
  • Who was Jeanne Baret?
  • What is the name of the type of transport that travels under the water?

Suggested activities

  • Ask the children about their experiences of boats and if they have ever travelled on a boat.
  • Carry out some floating and sinking experiments. What materials float best? Which materials are waterproof or not? Try to create some small boats using different modelling resources and see if they float.
  • Make models or draw pictures of Viking longboats and Egyptian reed boats.
  • Use a map, globe or atlas to find out where Rian and Maya are travelling. Plot their journey so far.
  • Find out more about the life of Jeanne Baret and some of the places she visited (Rio de Janeiro, Tahiti, Mauritius). Imagine you are Jeanne and her fellow travellers on their boat during a terrible storm. Role play how the boat rocks from side to side. Use untuned percussion instruments to create the sounds of the storm. Create an entry for a ship’s logbook, describing what happened. Now imagine the storm calms and the ship docks in a port. How does it feel to be on dry land again? Write another entry in the ship’s logbook. Alternatively, carry out the same activities but in role as Rian and Maya on their journey from England to Africa.
  • Imagine you are underwater explorers in a submarine, exploring the deepest depths of the ocean. What might you see? Imagine you discover a sea creature that no one has ever seen before. What does it look like? Draw a picture of it or write a description of it.
  • Sort pictures of different boats into groups according to different sorting criteria, using hoops to create large sorting diagrams. Criteria could include: different power sources (uses a motor/uses wind/uses paddles etc); historical or modern; or the children could sort them according to size etc.
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Teachers' notes

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Sorting activity

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Colouring activity
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Other episodes in this series

1. Awesome animals. video

Rian and Maya set off, learning as they go how animals have been used throughout history for transport.

1. Awesome animals

2. Wonderful wheels. video

A journey through the UK in an electric car with Rian and Maya finding out about wheeled transport.

2. Wonderful wheels

4. Fantastic flying machines. video

Rian and Maya travel through Africa in a hot air balloon and learn about different forms of air travel.

4. Fantastic flying machines

5: Tremendous trains. video

On a train journey across India, Rian and Maya learn about the history of rail travel.

5: Tremendous trains

6. The future of transport. video

Maya and Rian are in Australia, where they travel in a driverless car to a 'Future of Transport' exhibition.

6. The future of transport
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