
Video summary

Kemi Rodgers, Rio Fredrika and Lauren Layfield give their advice on what to do if you've posted something online you shouldn't have.

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Top tips and advice on what to do if you regret posting something online

The whole point of social media is to share things with your friends and family and to connect with the people that matter to you. But there is such thing as oversharing and it is easy to make mistakes.

You might want to send a picture to some of your close friends, but end up sharing it with all your followers, or you might accidentally give away too much info about yourself in your bio, but it's important to think about what you are sharing and who can see it.

If you regret something you’ve posted, the simplest thing to do is to remove it immediately. Don't be embarrassed - if you're not sure how to do that, ask for help.

No matter the situation, there's always help out there - speak to a trusted adult if you're worried about anything you've posted online and they're sure to be able to help out.

If you're not sure who to speak to about something that's happened online, you can speak to Childline any time on 0800 1111.

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