The latest cultural trends around the world.
World Service,Β·28 episodes
Why a growing number of seniors are getting involved in extreme competitive sports
Is it true that people are being buried with their mobile phones or just an urban myth?
As a bus company offers tours of disaster-struck New Orleans, is 'dark tourism' on the up?
Is there really any need to buy anything in our wasteful society or can it all be foraged?
Is it a good idea for parents to use GPS-tracking devices to monitor their children?
Why artist Matthias Megyeri is turning ugly security features into beautiful landscapes
How a new invention may help provide safe water for people in the developing world
Why a salon in Japan offering a deep ear-cleaning service is really taking off
What is the 10 Thousand Year Clock Project, in San Francisco, California, all about?
How 'remote farming' is bringing people closer to the food they eat
Architect Mario Botta explains why he's designed 12 new churches and a synagogue
Why are the rundown football stadia of old giving way to new architectural status symbols?
How the support groups on the internet are changing attitudes to healthcare
How the invention of the 'capster' - a sports hihab - may transform sport for Muslim girls
The programme looks at the rise of fundraising websites - but will they really take off?
English is a hard language to learn - does 'Globish' provide a workable alternative?
Are Pecha Kucha nights the new way for artists and architects to exchange ideas?
Why an award-winning Slovenian designer has designed a pre-scratched brand new car
Is Dubai Sports City the beginning of a global trend for single purpose cities?
A report from the Finale Restaurant in Boston which only serves puddings
How a British man is using the internet to turn a Fijian island into a virtual Paradise
Is Web 2.0 - used by Wikipedians - going to transform the language of the internet?
A US performance group encourages people to read their teenage diaries aloud on stage is a community website using socially mobile software - will it take off?
Why a new trend in alternative funerals is emerging in the West
How creating communities can help sell a product or service
Why some foodies are chosing to buy from small local producers all over the world
'Augmented technology' may stop the daily barrage of technological influx