Discussion programme on the issues behind the news in Africa
World Service,·78 episodes
What happened in Africa and the world this week?
Mutinous soldiers hold Touaregs hostage in Niger; Togo's government resigns
Two-thirds of the country vote yes to unitary constitution but violence swiftly follows
Today's topics include: Congo's new president; SADECC and Kenyan opposition want change
President Chissano and Afonso Dhlakama sign peace agreement
The ANC begins a campaign of mass action to put pressure on the South African government
The country is undergoing a humanitarian catastrophe and is disintegrating politically
Somalia's political disintegration and humanitarian crisis: is there any solution?
Sierra Leone’s new leader is investigating ministers for crimes such as corruption
Fury about economic hardship has let do rioting in the streets
Where will multi-party politics lead this East African country?
A look at the consequences of the assassination of Algerian leader Mohamed Boudiaf
Is political liberalisation releasing old enmities in this African country?
Report on Ethiopia's forthcoming regional elections. Presenter: Rashid Meer
Riots threaten to derail Nigeria’s transition to democracy
The world's largest environmental summit opened in Rio today - how is Africa affected?
A look at age and politics in Africa. Does the age of a leader effect their rule?
The country is on the eve of a political era – what lessons can it learn from the past?
Africa and the former Soviet Union: why did the love affair go sour?