EBU tests of commercial audio watermarking systems

White Paper WHP 101

Published: 1 January 2004


Audio watermarking has recently had a resurgence of interest, spurred on by the desire for copyright protection of digital audio recordings. Several audio watermarking techniques, some dating back more than 30 years, are described briefly here. The uses to which watermarking might be put are also summarised. Attention is then focussed on the requirements identified by the EBU application to distribution over the Eurovision and Euroradio networks.

The EBU issued a call for systems to meet its requirements. Subjective and objective tests were done on the systems supplied for testing. Audibility and robustness of the watermarks were measured. The results are encouraging for those considering using audio watermarking in broadcast applications.

This document was originally presented at the 116th AES Convention, May 2004. Convention paper 6011.

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  • Andrew Mason (BSc ARCS)

    Andrew Mason (BSc ARCS)

    Senior Research Engineer

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