Properties of hearing related to quadraphonic reproduction

Report 1974-38

Published: 1 January 1974


An investigation of some properties of hearing relevant to the reproduction of an omnidirectional sound-stage has been undertaken. The work was designed to provide basic knowledge of certain properties of hearing, and to examine under critical conditions some of the phenomena which occur with quadraphonic (four-loudspeaker) reproduction of a sound field.

Three fundamental, sound-locating properties of the human auditory system have been determined, and a law has been established relating interchannel level and image location around the listener, using a quadraphonic sound-source arrangement. Effects of unwanted signals in the reproduced field are examined, and also the effects of phase-shifts inserted between these signals, such as those which typically occur in the matrix quadraphonic systems currently under consideration by many workers. Results expose some psycho-acoustic myths, and account for some of the observed peculiar phenomena in practical matrix systems.

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