Camden Theatre - Investigation of acoustical characteristics by means of reverberation measurements and pulse techniques

Report 1947-20

Published: 1 January 1947


The Camden Theatre is now in use as a studio for orchestral concerts and choral and operatic programmes given by the Theatre Orchestra and Chorus.

It is a typical Music Hall, and although it has been equipped as a permanent studio, little structural alteration or acoustic treatment has been made apart from the construction of a Control Suite under the circle, and replacement of most of the seats from the stalls by a stepped platform, large enough to accommodate the Theatre Orchestra. The stage is also available for orchestra, chorus or soloists, so that many different layouts are possible. In addition, a narrator's studio and echo room have been constructed.

In the first instance measurements of the reverberation time were made by the normal method. The results did not explain the peculiar acoustical behaviour of the hall, and it was decided to carry out further investigations by means of pulse technique. The report describes both of these series of measurements and the conclusions that were drawn from them.

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