The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Riverside Television Studios: Some Aspects of Technical Planning and Equipment

Monograph Monograph 14

Published: 1 January 1957


Riverside Studios in Hammersmith, comprising two film stages together with the necessary ancillary accommodation, were purchased by the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ in 1954. The premises has been converted to form two television studios with the associated technical production, and general accommodation and facilities required to form a self-contained unit served by the main television studios at Lime Grove and the scenery manufacture and property facilities at the Television Centre. The studios are known as Riverside Studio No. 1 (R1), with a floor area of 6,000 sq. ft and Riverside Studio No. 2 (R2), with a floor area of 4,200 sq. ft.

The original intention was to use R1 as a replacement studio and it was bought into service on 26 September 1956 in place of the light entertainment studio, Studio 'G' at Lime Grove, whilst the latter was being re-equipped. It is now apparent, however, that R1 will continue to be used as the principal light entertainment studio even after the return of Studio 'G' to service. R2 was brought into service on 30 July 1956.

The planning of the Riverside premises and the technical installation represent the outcome of experience gained in the operation of television studios for a considerable number of years, yet include certain novel features - untried in previous Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ studios - where it has been thought necessary to gain direct experience for the future. The facilities offered at Riverside are more comprehensive than those available at any of the earlier Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ studios.

This monograph deals with the engineering equipment at Riverside Studios and should be read in conjunction with Monograph No. 13 which deals with the architectural aspects of the planning and building of the premises.

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