IRFS Weeknotes #210

Published: 23 November 2015
  • Chrissy Pocock-Nugent

    Software Engineer

User testing, bringing multiple clouds together and sysadmin - what the IRFS team in have been doing this week.

Atomised news

Andrew Wood has been analysing the results from the recent testing, and planning the next iteration, which will need a larger number of participants. Work on the fourth iteration of the atomised news design has begun. Tristan has been talking to possible partners about piloting atomised news, and working with Lauren on new stories.


James set up the CODAM code base to run on COMMA by using multiple clouds together: our internal OpenStack instance and an AWS instance. Ben has been documenting the internal CODAM HTTP API using . The data team have started processing data from the Multi-Platform Archives user testing; so far they've found multiple matches but need to do a thorough analysis of the results.


Chris and Sean attended the latest  (CPA) group call, where it was decided to proceed with European Telecommunications Standards Institute standardisation of the CPA protocol, after integrating the proposed flow for mobile devices. Chris has also been involved in discussions about future work on the , including the scope and structure of a new Working Group, as well as new technical requirements. To support this, he has been studying the Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV 2.0 specification


The Devices team have been working on MediaScape document contributions - they've written about the prototype, and also reviewed other documents written by the partners.

Libby has also been making EuroMeme easier to install and run for the upcoming MediaScape review.


Lastly, we’ve been doing some house-keeping this sprint by migrating some of our old projects from Subversion to , so that we can eventually retire the older servers. Matt and Ben have patched up the search service - it's been moved to new machines on the R&D Cloud and multiple bugs have been fixed. Meanwhile, Libby has started researching what we know about peoples’ use of set top boxes and related devices.

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