IRFS Weeknotes #154

Published: 16 August 2013
  • Chris Newell

    Chris Newell

    Lead R&D Engineer

These are weekly notes from the Internet Research & Future Services team in Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D where we share what we do. We work in the open, using technology and design to make new things on the internet. You can follow us on Twitter at .

Tweet Owl, our hardware hack based on a , recently paid a visit to where it was featured on the .

New EBU Cross-Platform Authentication Group

Following our work on the authentication of IP-connected media devices for the and project we have helped to establish a new within the EBU's strategic programme on TV Platforms & Services.

Chaired by Sean, the new group's objectives are to simplify the user experience for accessing multiple services across different platforms and devices, while protecting users' information and ensuring data isolation between broadcasters.

FI-Content 2

Earlier this week we hosted a meeting with colleagues from , where we presented our UX design review of their , planned the first stage of user trials of the system, and discussed options for the next iteration of feature development.

MPEG-7 Video Fingerprinting Evaluation

Jana has been evaluating the video fingerprinting algorithm, running it over half a week of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ programmes to find the first occurrences of re-used content. She is now looking at ways to distinguish previews and trailers from content re-use within different programmes, and ways to distinguish similar content (e.g. filmed in the same studio) from clips that have been slightly altered (e.g. by caption overlay).

Responsive News Sprint

Thomas has joined the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's for a two-week sprint, providing the opportunity to learn about their systems, goals and issues. He helped them to build a translation builder, automated tools for the upcoming World News versions and introduced them to unit tests.


Yves has released , a toolkit to create vector spaces out of large RDF graphs, which we're using in our automated tagging tools. RDFSpace constructs a vector space from any RDF dataset, which can then be used for computing similarities between resources in that dataset.

Connected Devices

Chris L has been working on a for the wpacli wifi configuration tool found on Debian systems, and on the in particular. This is part of his work towards a simple web interface which will make it easier to complete the initial configuration of Wi-Fi settings on (screenless) Raspberry Pi based devices.


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