IRFS Weeknotes #143

Published: 3 May 2013
  • Matt Haynes

    Matt Haynes

    Principal Web Developer

These are weekly notes from the Internet Research & Future Services team in Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D where we share what we do. We work in the open, using technology and design to make new things on the internet. You can follow us on Twitter at .

Talks and Conferences

Joanne and Penny have been in Paris for , on Saturday Joanne presented some of the UX team's authentication work at the workshop on exploring and enhancing the user experience for television. We are looking forward to hearing more about this on their return.

The British Library has uploaded the videos from the launch of their to YouTube, Yves was at the event discussing the .

Yves has also been busy preparing for future conferences, with a project proposal for the , a call for papers for the and as I write this, he is over in Rome for the , phew!

Thomas and I attended Yahoo!'s Hack Europe last weekend. We were there alongside the encouraging hackers to think about linked data and news. It was a fun event reminiscent of the Yahoo! / Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ Backstage hack days of old.

Project: COMMA

This week we officially started our new project COMMA - a ClOud Marketplace for Media Analysis. This is to be a two year project with our partners  and . Sean, Yves, Rob, Tristan and myself attended the kick off meeting this week and it seems like everybody is very excited to start. We hope this project will provide some valuable outcomes that will help define how we process large media archives, as well as providing a suitable research platform for cloud computing technologies. 

Project: ViSTA-TV

A lot of work seems to have been going on with the VistaTV dashboard. Dan and Chris Lowis have been working on adding programme information and Thomas has been looking into adding automated javascript documentation and linting to the build process, as well as lots of refactoring and bug fixes. Andrew Nicolaou, Thomas and Chris Needham have prepared documentation ready for open sourcing the project for our partners, and have helped Libby get it up and running on her laptop.

Project: ABC-IP & World Service Archive

Michael has been involved in planning future iterations whilst Chris Lowis has deployed some last minute fixes to the  and brings the fantastic news that the prototype is now open again for registrations! 

Project: Snippets

James has been doing lots of infrastructure work, deploying a new master server to allow for automated provisioning of the virtual machines and physical infrastructure, specifically to help us deploy new updates and VMs more readily in future.

Project: Mood Classification

Denise has been adding time line user tags to the Mood classification prototype. She has also been working on speeding up the processing of raw audio and video features across complete programmes rather than shorter 3 minutes segments.

Project: FI Content

Barbara has been reviewing the notes from the FI Content Phase 2 kick off meeting in Paris and has started planning one of the work packages. She's also had meetings around the radio project with different team members and has been doing some background research on audio-only narratives in gaming.

W3C Working Groups

One of the W3C groups that Olivier is part of has merged three task forces into one. The new will look into downloading, recording, exchanging media timing information and other metadata between the broadcast / TV stack, web stack and other channel / control APIs. Olivier will be moderating the task force alongside friends at MStar and AT&T.


Some interesting finds submitted by the team:

CERN has revived the , exactly 20 years after opening the WWW technologies on a royalty-free basis.

Slides and video from David Rogers' presentation on the at QCon London.

News International Labs .

How Do We Attribute Data? by Leigh Dodds

The  is a low-cost FPGA development board with a focus on people new to the world of FPGAs.

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