Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D at NEM Summit 2010

Published: 18 October 2010
  • Ant Miller

    Ant Miller

    Former Senior Research Manager

The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ is an active partner in the , an industrial consortium promoting the development of creative media in new digital formats across the EU. NEM is Chaired by Jean-Dominique Menieur (NEM Executive Director) and Vali Lalioti of Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D (NEM VIce-Chair Liaison).

Last week we played a key role as co-Chair, together with Technicolor, responsible for the overall structure, format and activities of the , with presentations and demonstrations of many of our collaborative projects, chairing and presenting in sessions, and even participating in the new NEMart competition, bringing together innovative artists and technologies from across Europe.

The conference ran over two days at the Hesperia hotel and conference centre in Barcelona, with several parallel streams exploring the four main themes of environmental impact (), , ,and . In addition to these conventional conference sessions, we also joined in a Sandpit session driving forward these concepts through a '' format open conference format, hosted by the estimable Maja Kuzmanovic of .

Vali Lalioti and Maja Kusmanovic introduce the NEM Sandpit session.

On the show floor the Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ's own stand, showcasing various innovative projects including and , was nestled amongst stands from across the continent. These included colleagues from the and projects.

The Βι¶ΉΤΌΕΔ R&D stand at the NEM exhibition

  • On one corner of the showfloor was the new NEMart stand- this new initiative invited participants from across europe working on artforms that make creative use of technologies promoted by the platform. Five of the participants in this initiaitive were awarded a share of the prize, including our own trainees' project in cooperation with , The Cut-Up, as first seen at the . Other winners were: by Michela Magas, Goldsmiths College, University of London, THIG by Willilam Robinson, Goldsmiths College, University of London, from Kingsley Ash, from Cinzia Vigna

Winners of the NEMart Competition: Our own piece, 'The Cut Up', THIG, a piece exploring ideas of non-anthopocentric social networking, MHASHUP a music signature piece looking at congruences between music of different civilisations, LiveCell, an interactive generative music piece, ArtLab an project looking at bridging the digital divide in NEM

The Cut-Up crew will have a new film available online by the end of this week- they're working on it now.

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