Prototyping Weeknotes #13 (07/05/10)

Published: 7 May 2010
  • Tristan Ferne

    Tristan Ferne

    Lead Producer

Back from the Bank Holiday weekend we reviewed our presentation of plans to R&D management last Friday. We can now plan our next phase of work in more detail and that means most of this week and next are finishing up a couple of projects and scoping the next two.

The P2PNext quiz application has a kickoff meeting run by Dominic. Sam, Theo and Duncan will be working on this two week sprint. In support of this Duncan has been investigating real-time messaging technologies like ejabberd, pubsub, bosh and strophe.

There are a couple of tweaks done to Coventry and Chris B fixes a pretty frustrating browser bug. Apart from that it's finished, deployed, blog post drafted and ready to launch. Keep an eye out, it'll probably be live at the beginning of next week and is now known as Music Trends.

We're aiming to finish the Microblogging zeitgeist prototype next week. At the start of this week we have a solid but barebones working site. So Theo's finishing the designs, hampered only by a lack of magenta ink in the printer, and Chris N and Sean are coding. Chris is working on the ingest chain and piping things through to the analysis tool. Sean is analysing the inbound links that we're gathering to get a feel of the data, then implementing the final designs. Next week they should be deploying it on the live server and doing some load testing.

George and I spend most of Thursday with visitors from Microsoft Research, we show them a few projects and vice-versa, and it's good to see the two teams engaging well. 

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