R&D (South Lab) - Video report on the Move

Published: 28 January 2010
  • Ant Miller

    Ant Miller

    Former Senior Research Manager

Last week we donned hard hats and visited the soon to open new HQ for R&D in London, Centre House. You may recall from an earlier post about South Lab Progress that we're getting a lot of connectivity put into the new space - all that is very apparent in this film as we get a guided tour of the building from Justin King as he and his team install the infrastructure. We also visit the recently handed over studio facilities we'll be occupying in the heart of TV Centre.

The film opens at Kingswood Warren though, as researchers, engineers and support staff finish up their research work and pack up in preparation for the move.

[Apologies for the background noise right at the start of the film, it seems the noisy aircon at KW doesn't encode well!]

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