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'That's the stupid girl' The scoop that almost destroyed me

In 1998 Finnish journalist Johanna Aatsalo published a story about doping in the country's revered cross-country ski team, it made her a hate figure.

In 1998 Finnish journalist Johanna Aatsalo uncovered a huge news story: a member of the much-revered Finnish cross-country ski team had taken banned substances. After six months' intense investigation, Johanna published it. Initially, she was met with high fives and pats on the back but within a few hours the backlash began. Soon, Johanna was getting death threats and because she wouldn't reveal her sources she was taken to court and found guilty of defamation. But Johanna didn’t give up, instead, she started a fight that would continue for the next 14 years.

Presenter: Helena Merriman
Producer: Emilia Jansson and Andrea Kennedy

(Photo: Aatsalo Johanna; Credit Sabrina Bqain)

Available now

41 minutes


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