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The hungry boy who devoted his life to muscle

Gilbert Alaskadi grew up hungry and downtrodden in his home country, Chad. He was sick of being bullied, so he devoted his life to body building.

Gilbert Alaskadi grew up in the African country of Chad. His family was poor, and he spent much of his childhood hungry, with people frequently making fun of his small stature. Then, when he was a teenager, he encountered a bodybuilding pamphlet, promising quick muscle growth in a handful of weeks. He wanted the physique, but first he'd need money and calories. At the first opportunity he ran away from home, left the country, and jumped head-first into the world of bodybuilding.

Jude Masman was a young mum in her early 20s the day she heard a rumour David Bowie was visiting her remote outback Australian town. She found it difficult to believe, but there he was, in her local pub shooting the music video for ‘Let’s Dance’ — the title track from his 1983 album. Outlook’s Mike Williams spoke to her about that day the alien landed.

Presenter: Mobeen Azhar
Producer: Harry Graham

Get in touch: or WhatsApp +44 330 678 2707

(Photo: Gilbert Alaskadi. Credit: Gilbert Alaskadi)

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41 minutes


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